Year: 2021
WebP формат: що це таке і в чому його переваги
Хоча зручно віддавати телефону голосові команди й він автоматично відповідає, ця зручність пов’язана з серйозними компромісами щодо конфіденційності. Це означає, що Google має постійно слухати вас програмне забезпечення через мікрофон, щоб знати, коли відповісти. Якщо ви отримали комп’ютер у подарунок або збираєтеся придбати вживану або зі знижкою модель, можливо, вам цікаво, як визначити, скільки років… continue reading
Top 18 internet slangs you need to know RN! (RIGHT NOW!)
If you are a new parent or just new to online parenting forums, chances are you feel lost with all the internet slangs and short forms that people keep using. Fret no more because we have curated THE list of the most used acronyms in parenting forums to bring you up to date! One look... continue reading
From Sofa Spud to a Lockdown Hero in just 10 steps!
If you are feeling the effects of Climate change and are wondering how to choose sustainability with these multiple lockdowns, here is a list of things that you can do right now, from your home, that too without spending another rupee. So, Stay home, Stay Safe and do not let these lockdowns stop you from... continue reading
The Three Super Powers of the Soap Saver Bag
If you are anything like us, you love using soap but don’t know what to do with the left over soap chips that are tough to hold on to and do not create lather. We have just the thing you are looking for! Cuddlecare’s Organic Cotton Save Saver Bag. The three super powers of this... continue reading
Time to Raise the (Soap) Bar
Everyone needs soap. And here are 6 most important reasons why we think that soap bars deserve a more special place in our lives compared to shower gels: Everyone needs soap. And here are 6 most important reasons why we think that soap bars deserve a more special place in our lives compared to shower... continue reading
Why you need to switch to a bamboo toothbrush Today!
If you were wondering what all this hue and cry about bamboo toothbrushes was about, you have come to the right place. Let’s find out if ditching your conventional, plastic toothbrush for a bamboo toothbrush is really worth it. Unless you have been living under a rock, we are sure you are aware that our... continue reading